David Stewart David Stewart

How to post your new video effectively (When and Where?)

I am always happy to coach my clients one-on-one but here are some general useful tips that will help maximize results.

I am always happy to coach my clients one-on-one but here are some general useful tips that will help maximize results.

When should you post the video?

According to HubSpot it’s best to post on YouTube between 3:00-9:00pm. For other social media platforms, as a general rule of thumb, posting between morning and afternoon is a great choice. See below.

Where should you post the video?

It’s all about the algorithm for each different platform. Choosing where to post your video will mostly depend on your marketing strategy, target audience, and what you aim to achieve with the video.


YouTube will likely be the starting place for your video. Upload it there, and you’ll have access to a link that can be shared easily. If we shoot the video vertically and keep it <60 seconds then we can post on YouTube shorts which is gaining more popularity.


LinkedIn is all about videos these days. So, if you've got a video that your LinkedIn followers will like, go ahead and post it.

Instagram reels, YouTube shorts, and Tiktok

These platforms are the home of short-form vertical videos.

X (Formerly Twitter)

As it stands, for most users, X may not be the most rewarding platform to invest in for video content. Still, it's worth keeping an eye on X's future developments, given their ambition to evolve into a comprehensive, all-in-one platform.

Email newsletters

Consider blasting out your videos via email to your subscriber list. This can be a direct and effective way to engage your audience since they are already interested in your content or company.

Email Signature

If your video shares your company's story, why not add its link to your email signature? It's a simple way to boost your brand awareness. Just insert your your Youtube link in your signature.

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David Stewart David Stewart

Guide to Creating High-Converting Customer Testimonial Videos

I created this guide to highlight the significant benefits of video testimonials. We all know they hold power in converting new customers. 

Guide to Creating High-Converting Customer Testimonial Videos

I created this guide to highlight the significant benefits of video testimonials. We all know they hold power in converting new customers. 

In this guide we’re going to discuss best practices, speak with experts, and also walk through an actual video testimonial shoot with one of my clients so you can watch the process. If you have any questions or wish to book your own video testimonial shooting, please don't hesitate to reach out.

Thank you for watching.

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David Stewart David Stewart

How Can We Help?

With all of this uncertainty, we at David Stewart Media just want to check in and see how you’re doing. We care about our clients, past, present and future and we want you to know that we’re here to help.


We care about our clients, past, present and future. 

We recently had the opportunity to film a business video for an amazing company that creates pavement paintings for playgrounds and sports courts in school yards. Just being present in a school environment again, I was reminded of all those first days of school, and the jitters that accompanied the feeling of entering something new and unknown.  

The challenges we are currently facing as business owners and managers are not unlike those we faced as new students. We’re not entirely sure what to expect in the coming few months. We are all navigating unprecedented waters, perhaps facing financial concerns, long absences from those we care about, and an uncertain vision of the future. 

With all of this uncertainty, we at David Stewart Media just want to check in and see how you’re doing. We care about our clients, past, present and future and we want you to know that we’re here to help. 

Marketing Budget Cuts? 

We get it! 

Maybe your business isn’t currently in a position to invest in marketing or communication materials. We understand that too. As a small business, the ups and downs of uncertain times are not unfamiliar to us. We just want you to know that we’re in this together and we’ll be here when you’re ready to invest in your visual portfolio again. 

Perhaps your business or organization pivoted and did something amazing to face this new world head on and you want to share that story with your clients and the world. We can turn your tales of adversity and resilience into visually compelling materials for internal or external dissemination. 

Have you made structural changes to your organization that you want to communicate to your staff, whether they are present in the office or working from home? Let us take your message and turn it into a memorable, clear, visual document. 

As always, if you have an idea you wish to explore, get in touch with us. And until we meet over the camera again, take care. 

The DSM Team

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David Stewart David Stewart

Don’t squander your subscriber list. Create messages to captivate! (Part 4 of 5)

Part of the “Making Video Work for Your Business” project is communicating to you all the different ways you can use video to grow and enhance what you do. Today we’re looking at harnessing the power of your email subscription list.

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DSM has named 2020 the year to bring your business into the video age.

Part of the “Making Video Work for Your Business” project is communicating to you all the different ways you can use video to grow and enhance what you do. Today we’re looking at harnessing the power of your email subscription list.

Your email subscriber list is a special audience- this isn’t a group of people who know nothing about you. On the contrary, your email subscribers are usually past clients, existing clients, or people who are contemplating becoming a future client. 

So what are the goals of an email blast to this specific audience?

1. To get past customers to use your business or service again.

2. To retain current clients by reminding them of the value your company brings.

3. To tip the scale for potential clients, making your goods or services irresistible.

Some of the fantastic companies we've partenered with in the past 12 months.

Now that you know your goals, you need to recognize the forces working against your message being heard. In 2018 there were approximately 111 BILLION consumer emails sent worldwide. And the average “office” worker receives over 120 emails a day. When you wade into this milieu, you have to stand out. 

Here’s where video comes in. Give your audience a break. Don’t make them read yet another pitch or promotion, let them sit back and watch a captivating story. As we’ve reviewed before, not only do videos allow you to shape a visual narrative and hit the emotion center of your audience, they also result in a message that is more memorable and more likely to be acted upon.

So take a moment and consider what impactful message or promotion you want to share with your special audience. Then bring us in on the creative process. At DSM we’re experts at listening to what story you want to tell and then translating that story in clear, compelling and share-worthy videos. We can listen to the goals you have for your email video campaign and build a brilliant visual brand for your business. 

Don’t squander your subscriber list. Make a message that counts. 

Meet Katie. A fantastic new production assistant added to our team with years of experience in the industry.

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Jennie Hoekstra Jennie Hoekstra

Let Your Clients Advertise for You: Make Video Work for your Business (Part 3 of 5)

Part of the Making Video Work for Your Business project is communicating to you all the different ways you can use video to grow and enhance what you do. This is part three of a five part series, exploring ways you can use video to make this happen.


DSM has named 2020 the year to bring your business into the video age. 

Part of the Making Video Work for Your Business project is communicating to you all the different ways you can use video to grow and enhance what you do. This is part three of a five part series, exploring ways you can use video to make this happen. 

Today we’re looking at one of the oldest and most powerful advertising tricks in the book: the client testimonial.

We’ve looked at this topic in depth before, but it’s worth a revisit. Why? Because, while you telling me how great your business is may convince me that that’s true some of the time, actually hearing a third party who has used your services say it, is way more powerful. And what’s more, we’ve become a culture that relies on customer reviews. We don’t even buy a toothbrush without seeing what other consumers are saying about it, let alone invest any significant time or money in a service or product of greater value.

Think of customer success videos as an online review on steroids. Not only do you get the opportunity to show how amazing your business is, right from the client’s mouth, you also get the added clout of the visual story created by the video. And if we’ve learned anything through this series it’s that visual stimuli stay with us.

So how can you make this powerful tool work for your business? 

  1. Choose a client who encompasses your brand. Show the world the type of person who knows and appreciates what you do. 

  2. Let them tell their authentic experience. Authenticity translates to trust which translates to saleability of your brand. 

  3. Keep the video short. As we touched upon in our social media post, short videos are videos that are easily shared both on your website and on social media platforms. 

  4. Make it impactful. Let us create a high-production, low-stress customer success video that will stand the test of time.  

At DSM we specialize in listening to what story you want to tell and then translating that story in clear, compelling and share-worthy videos. We can listen to the goals you have for your customer-success video campaign and build a brilliant visual brand for your business. 

The customer review is one of the most powerful make-or-break tools of the modern business. Take control of your brand reputation and create a beautiful customer success video with us this year! 

Call us 416-455-0775

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Jennie Hoekstra Jennie Hoekstra

Make Video Work for Your Business (part 2 of 5)

Part of the Making Video Work for Your Business project is communicating to you all the different ways you can use video to grow and enhance what you do. This is part two of a five part series, exploring ways you can use video to make this happen. 

Get Them Right in the Twitter: The power of targeted social media video

DSM has named 2020 the year to bring your business into the video age.

Part of the Making Video Work for Your Business project is communicating to you all the different ways you can use video to grow and enhance what you do. This is part two of a five part series, exploring ways you can use video to make this happen.  

Today we tackle our favourite time thief… drumroll please… social media! 

Ah, social media. You know it’s ubiquitous when everyone from your 7 year old nephew to your 93 year old grandmother is using it. 

Social media is the new medium, and as we know from Marshall McLuhan, “The medium is the message”. Or as he also said, a "message" is, "the change of scale or pace or pattern" that a new invention or innovation introduces into human affairs. 

Social media has, without a doubt, forever changed the pace and patterns by which we consume information. We have become a civilization of scrollers and swipers. An audience’s attention needs to be captured immediately or you risk having them simply scroll away. 

There is also vast potential in social media video marketing. If you successfully capture the imagination of the consumer, your story can be rapidly shared and re-shared to a mind-bogglingly huge audience without having to spend another marketing dollar.

So how can you make this social media magic happen for your business? 

1. Have a clear story you want to tell. Make it compelling and worthy of sharing. 

2. Have a strong visual right off the top. If you can hold your audience for the first 5 seconds, they will be far more likely to hold on for the final 30 or more. 

3. Keep is short and simple. Think of your social media video as the bait to lure your audience into the second level of information, be it your website, your product page or whatever your goal destination is.  

Are you feeling overwhelmed yet? 

Let’s Create

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At DSM we can sit down with you and make the entire experience a breeze. We’ll listen to what story you want to tell and can even write the script to make sure that story is clear, compelling and share-worthy. We can listen to the goals you have for your social media campaign and build a brilliant visual brand for your business. And finally we can produce said video with the cleanest, highest-level production value in the business. 

We all know the power of social media marketing. Don’t let your business be left behind in this new media landscape; call us today.

In short, there is a video type for every business and every occasion. Get in touch with us today and let video grow your business this year!

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Jennie Hoekstra Jennie Hoekstra

Emotional Appeal: Make Video Work For Your Business (part 1 of 5)

Part of the Making Video Work for Your Business project is communicating to you all the different ways you can use video to grow and enhance what you do. This is part one of a five part series, exploring ways you can use video to make this happen. 


Let’s Get Emotional: The power of emotional appeal in video promotion

DSM has named 2020 the year to bring your business into the video age.

Part of the Making Video Work for Your Business project is communicating to you all the different ways you can use video to grow and enhance what you do. This is part one of a five part series, exploring ways you can use video to make this happen. 

If a picture is worth a thousand words, a video is worth a million. One of the most powerful things about visual stimuli is the way it can immediately affect the viewer on an emotional level, be it joy, fear, inspiration or humour. When we touch someone’s heart (or funny bone) we also imprint upon their brain - our message is held in the memory.

So how can you use emotional appeal to your business advantage?

1. You can communicate your brand’s story. 

People want to make personal connections. We don’t want to do business with machines and faceless corporations, we want to do business with families and individuals who have a story. Use video to show and tell your story. Make it easy for your clients to feel like they know you, so that they are in turn supporting not just a brand, but people. 

2. You can create something people want to share. 

In an era of short attention spans and critical consumers, one of the most powerful marketing tools is having people share your brand with their friends and family. We trust recommendations from people we know. So you want to create a short powerful video that makes people feel something. Make them laugh, make them cry, inspire them, give them information they feel compelled to share, and they will share it. 

3. You can create a visual brand identity. 

Picture a Nike commercial in your mind. I bet you did it pretty quickly. How? They’ve had thousands of video spots. How did your brain automatically know what one looks like? It knew because Nike is expert at creating a cohesive visual brand. All of their ads invoke a feeling: intensity, inspiration, aspiration. 

Your company’s video can do the same thing for your brand. Decide what you want your consumer to feel and we can build your visual identity around those emotions. How your brand makes a person feel is the most powerful marketing tool you can harness. 

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Let's Create!

In short, there is a video type for every business and every occasion. Get in touch with us today and let video grow your business this year!

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Jennie Hoekstra Jennie Hoekstra

20 Ways To Make Video Work For Your Business

In short, there is a video type for every business and every occasion. Get in touch with us today and let video grow your business this year!


Make Video Work For Your Business

When it comes to growing your business some promotional approaches seem more attainable than others; static photo images, print posters and email blasts aren’t impossible for the layperson, but start to think about creating video: script writing, editing, music layering and, well, you may quickly feel overwhelmed. 

Yet we know that visual media is the most memorable and video can mean a huge return on investment for your enterprise. 

So what’s a business person to do? 

Hire us. 

From vision to completion DSM can painlessly create the perfect video for your business. 

Stay Tuned

Over the next several months we'll be diving into the ways to make video work for your business. 

You can create marketing videos for emotional appeal, targeted social media ads, customer success stories, email blasts, or for internal purposes. We can guide you through each of these different options.  

There are at least 20 ways to make videos work for your business. We'll cover these off over the next few months. Stay tuned.

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Let's Create!

In short, there is a video type for every business and every occasion. Get in touch with us today and let video grow your business this year!

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Jennie Hoekstra Jennie Hoekstra

The Best Commercial in the World

When we have a strong emotional reaction to anything, an event, a person, a place, and yes, even a commercial, our brain makes a special place in our long-term memory. It holds on to that experience.

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Emotions. Script. Visuals.

What’s your favourite ad? I mean, ever. Can you picture it?

I’m betting you can. Maybe the details are a little fuzzy, but you know what’s probably very clear? The way that ad made, and still makes, you feel.

When we have a strong emotional reaction to anything, an event, a person, a place, and yes, even a commercial, our brain makes a special place in our long-term memory. It holds on to that experience.

When you promote your business, what is the ultimate goal of your campaign? To convince others that they need your services, and more importantly, that they remember your business first when that need arises, right? So how do we go about creating a campaign that is memorable and impactful?

There are three key components.

1. You need to appeal to an emotion.

Are you going to use humour, nostalgia, aspiration, fear? Regardless of what you’re selling, if you don’t appeal to the emotions of your potential client at a very basic level, they aren’t going to remember you. How do you want to make them feel? Decide this and the rest can follow.

2. You need a great script.

You have only a few short seconds to grab your audience’s attention, don’t waste that opportunity. Words truly are the most powerful tool we have as human beings. An excellent script can shape a tailor-made image of your brand, designed for your specific target market, in a matter of a sentence or two.

3. You need the visuals to make it impactful.

Whether it’s a picture we create in our head or an image that is masterfully produced, visual stimuli are incredibly powerful. Tell me something and I may remember it. Tell me something and show me and I almost certainly will.


Best Commercial of 2019

Alright, you say, I understand what I need to do to create an incredible commercial, but now how do I start? Simple. Get in touch with us.

At DSM we’re experts in building your memorable ad from start to finish. We’ll meet with you to vision out the look and feel of your campaign, we offer script and text writing services to get your message and target client exactly right, and finally we have the skills and knowledge to create perfectly crafted video or print marketing for your business.

Step one, call us.

Step two, forget your favourite ad; it’s about to be replaced - with yours.



Are you a small to medium sized business and wish you could be more visible to your target audience? Do you need any exceptionally creative video work with a quick turnaround? We specialize in just that and the good news is we are budget conscious as well. Check out what one of our clients over at Ambiance Interiors had to say.

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Jennie Hoekstra Jennie Hoekstra

The Best Customer Reviews Come Straight From the Horse’s Mouth and On To Your Screen.

Why Video? People remember roughly 20% of what they hear, but add a visual element to that audio message and that retention jumps to 70%! Having people say great things about you is fantastic, but having other people remember those things is vital to your business’s success.

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Digital Marketing Firm
“Over the 7 years of working together, DSM has been professional and an amazing communicator…”

Watch Video
Business Owner
“DSM's service is really helping me get noticed in my industry…”

Watch Video
When it comes time to hire a contractor, buy a car, or choose a restaurant for a special occasion, more often than not we refer to the experiences of our family and friends.

“Jess had a great experience with that company.”

“Scott has nothing but good things to say about that make and model.”

“My parents said that place has the most incredible food.”

These personal, word of mouth testimonials are incredibly powerful. According to a recent article about word of mouth marketing in Forbes magazine, 92% of consumers believe recommendations from friends and family over all forms of advertising. But how do you get this word of mouth marketing out to the broader public in a way that is impactful and memorable? By putting it on video of course.
People remember roughly 20% of what they hear, but add a visual element to that audio message and that retention jumps to 70%! Having people say great things about you is fantastic, but having other people remember those things is vital to your business’s success.
We, as a human species, want to connect with other people; it’s a natural urge. By putting your client testimonials to video, you can connect past customers, who have already used and loved your services, with future customers, who will instantly feel trust towards your brand.
At DSM we’ve been so fortunate to work with dozens of incredible clients. We can turn word of mouth testimonials into a tangible marketing tool for your business. Please take a minute to check this example out and don’t hesitate to get in touch with us to make this magic happen for you!
Video produced by David Stewart Media.
Watch Video
We’re still celebrating our 10th anniversary with a sale! So book that promotional work you’ve been putting off. You won’t be sorry.
Any services that are booked in the month of October will be discounted 10%.
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Any services that are booked during the month of November will be discounted 5%.
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Contest Winner
Congratulations to Robert for winning the Nanuk giveaway contest. He chose the 935 case which happens to be one of my personal favorites. Use promo "DSTEWART15" to enjoy a 15% discount on all merchandise on the plasticase.com website!
DAVE LONEY // Coaching & Training
Speaking of making magic happen, this month’s inspiring person is Dave Loney. Dave has been my business coach and friend for years. I wish I could mention all those who have been a crucial part of my journey but for this newsletter, let's turn our focus to Dave. He not only has an amazing breadth of understanding about the business world, he is also insightful, wise, encouraging and thoughtful when it comes to guiding clients towards achieving their dreams.

Having an incredible coach like Dave is an investment in your business, your future and yourself. My only regret is that I didn’t make a video testimonial of his services to accompany this written, word of mouth endorsement. If you’re looking for a guide like none other, check him out.
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Jennie Hoekstra Jennie Hoekstra

We’re turning 10!

Ten years ago, I had a dream. My passion for videography had grown to a point where I needed new challenges both professionally and creatively. I wanted to channel my skills into a profession, so I took a risk and made the leap into entrepreneurship. It wasn’t long before I had my first professional gig and things rapidly got real.

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Kolkata, India
Nairobi, Kenya
Ten years ago, I had a dream.
My passion for videography had grown to a point where I needed new challenges both professionally and creatively. I wanted to channel my skills into a profession, so I took a risk and made the leap into entrepreneurship. It wasn’t long before I had my first professional gig and things rapidly got real.

The last decade has been an incredible one for David Stewart Media. There have been growing pains and triumphs, opportunities to travel the globe doing what we love, and meetings with so many incredible people and companies in the process.

Reaching this 10-year milestone, it’s easy to think the hard work is done, but we know the company isn’t done growing and changing. Indeed, we continue to evaluate what we do and how we do it, refining our brand along the way, while always sticking with our mission – to tell the story of individuals and companies in a way that is authentic, compelling and always beautiful.
“There are far, far better things ahead than any we leave behind.”
- C.S. Lewis
10th Anniversary
To mark our anniversary, we worked with the incredibly talented Jenelle Santos of Jenelle Santos Design (read more about her work below) to give DSM a facelift and to focus our market vision; keeping us fresh, relevant and appealing to you - our valued past and/or future client.

We’re also so happy to have expanded our team. My incredible wife Jasiel has officially joined DSM as our customer service and administrative specialist. You can now reach Jasiel with any inquiries by emailing hello@davidstewartmedia.com. She’s a wonderful, warm person who will reply with a smile!

And last but not least, we’re celebrating our 10th anniversary with a sale! Any services that are booked during the month of October will be discounted 10%. So book that promotional work you’ve been putting off. You won’t be sorry.
My incredible wife Jasiel has officially joined DSM as our customer service and administrative specialist.
Jenelle Santos Design // TORONTO BRANDING STUDIO
We’re also excited to introduce you to a new feature in our monthly newsletter. Here we’ll feature people, creatives, companies or gadgets that are inspiring us in any given month. This month we’d like to highlight Jenelle Santos Design. Jenelle has been working with DSM since our early days, helping us with our original brand identity, and now our 10th anniversary refresh. Jenelle has been a thoughtful partner throughout the entire design process. Her talent, professionalism, intuitiveness and artistry are always impressive. Working with Jenelle Santos Design you can be assured that your needs will be heard and understood, and the resulting brand she helps you create will be authentic and beautiful.


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Jennie Hoekstra Jennie Hoekstra

Guest Post – A Client’s Perspective on working with DSM

Over the course of an afternoon, David captured incredible drone shots of our property, wide-angled views of our interior living space, and intimate portraits of our family as a whole.  The photos were so outstanding they were picked up by Apartment Therapy, one of the largest design inspiration sites in the US, to be highlighted in their “Green Week”  featuring sustainable living practices celebrating Earth Day and beyond.


There is almost nothing more personal to us than the spaces in which we live.

Our homes are a reflection of so many aspects of our lives; what we value, what brings us comfort, the things that represent our most precious memories, the spaces we create for those we love the most. Over the course of the past year, my husband, children and I took this personal reflection one level deeper when we designed and built our own family home. Wanting to give our three children a connection with nature and space to roam, while also being very conscious of our environmental footprint were key considerations as we chose to build an off-grid passive house.


Seven months after breaking ground on this life-altering project, we moved in to our perfectly-us home. Now came the natural next question for this project: how could we share our home and its message of sustainability with the world? We wanted to show people that living gently on the earth didn’t have to mean sacrificing beauty and comfort. We needed visual proof and we needed someone who had the aesthetic sensibility to capture the architecture and feeling of our space naturally. David immediately came to mind.

Working with DSM

I’ve known David for 20 years now. His creativity and sharp eye for capturing the beauty in the everyday can come as a surprise from someone who also has a very calm, zen-like demeanor. Working with David is never stressful, rushed or overwhelming. David is an expert at putting his client’s and subjects at ease. His professionalism and skill shines through.

Over the course of an afternoon, David captured incredible drone shots of our property, wide-angled views of our interior living space, and intimate portraits of our family as a whole.  The photos were so outstanding they were picked up by Apartment Therapy, one of the largest design inspiration sites in the US, to be highlighted in their “Green Week”  featuring sustainable living practices celebrating Earth Day and beyond.

Working with David was a dream and we couldn’t recommend him more highly as both a photographer and an aesthete.

To see the article and the rest of the photographs, click on the image above.

To see the article and the rest of the photographs, click on the image above.

Jennie Hoekstra @Ouroffgridadventure

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Jennie Hoekstra Jennie Hoekstra

The Beauty of Black and White

Renowned Canadian photojournalist Ted Grant once said, “When you photograph people in colour, you photograph their clothes. But when you photograph people in black and white, you photograph their souls.” There is something undeniably captivating about black and white photo and film. In one way, it is a return to simplicity; to the basic roots of photography itself. And yet, at the same time, it is a contemporary means of communicating a complex message in the clearest and most concise possible form, without any undue visual noise.  

Renowned Canadian photojournalist Ted Grant once said, “When you photograph people in colour, you photograph their clothes. But when you photograph people in black and white, you photograph their souls.”

There is something undeniably captivating about black and white photo and film. In one way, it is a return to simplicity; to the basic roots of photography itself. And yet, at the same time, it is a contemporary means of communicating a complex message in the clearest and most concise possible form, without any undue visual noise.

Black and white imagery evokes a feeling of solidity, of trustworthiness, of assurance

Increasingly, professional firms are turning to black and white film to communicate their message to clients. This trend is particularly evident in the field of finance and investing. Black and white imagery evokes a feeling of solidity, of trustworthiness, of assurance. All characteristics that financial firms strive to embody.

The medium has been successfully used by Purpose Investments, Newlook Capital and many more. The simplicity of the black and white film used by these firms reflects the simple duality of an otherwise complex industry- you’re either profitable or you’re not; you’re making money or you’re losing it.

It’s not just the area of finance that can benefit by using the medium of black and white film. There can be a temptation in any industry to over communicate an intended message. At times, shooting in colour is doing the same thing. By throwing too much stimulus at an audience, be it audio or visual, a message can become lost.

It doesn’t have to be complicated to be beautiful or impactful

As communication experts, our goal should constantly be to turn our audience’s attention to the key elements of our client’s message. It doesn’t have to be complicated to be beautiful or impactful. Indeed, as seen continually through the lens of black and white film, sometimes simple is best.

Post production: Eric Yu

Stylist: Hilary Janset

Camera assist: Seyar Hail

Content director and contributor: Jennie Hoekstra

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Jennie Hoekstra Jennie Hoekstra

Full Circle Moments

I was contacted by St. Joseph Communications to shoot a digital digest for Walmart, one of the biggest retail forces in the country. Tanya Watt, the senior art director on this project, is a key player in the digital and marketing sphere. The digital look, on screen, like a classic print digest, until you click and the picture comes to life in video form.


Over ten years ago, in what sometimes feels like another lifetime altogether, I was a ski coach. I spent my winters outdoors, on the slopes, training skiers of all ages and skill sets. One winter, the resort where I worked decided it would be great to get some video footage of our skiers and trainers together and so a talented videographer named Jarret was hired. Over time, watching Jarret artistically splice footage and music together, I began to imagine doing similar work myself.

Fast forward a few years and I was laid up with a broken femur from a skiing accident. It seemed a career change might be in order. On a whim, I picked up a $300 video camera and started shooting videos of family and friends, and the rest, as they say is history. That is, until very recently when history came full circle.

New Clients, Old Friends

I was contacted by St. Joseph Communications to shoot a digital digest for Walmart, one of the biggest retail forces in the country. Tanya Watt, the senior art director on this project, and I originally met through working on S-Media shoots together. She is a key player in the digital and marketing sphere. The digital look, on screen, like a classic print digest, until you click and the picture comes to life in video form.

I was excited to create these video vignettes and was interested what creative talent would be brought in for modelling. Imagine my surprise when the model introduced to me was none other than Jarret, the man who had inspired my own start in the film world. It was an emotional, full-circle moment. From being the subject in Jarret’s work, to having him, over a decade later being the subject in mine.

Both of us, happy and successful in our current fields, felt the kismet of the moment. I hope we have an opportunity to work together again in the future.


Content director and contributor: Jennie Hoekstra

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Jennie Hoekstra Jennie Hoekstra

Capturing Golf Town in Golf Country

World-renowned golfer Tom Watson once said, “No other game combines the wonder of nature with the discipline of sport in such carefully planned ways. A great golf course both frees and challenges a golfer's mind.” And the particularly beautiful days in Muskoka and Naples, I was inclined to agree.


World-renowned golfer Tom Watson once said, “No other game combines the wonder of nature with the discipline of sport in such carefully planned ways. A great golf course both frees and challenges a golfer's mind.” And the particularly beautiful days in Muskoka and Naples, I was inclined to agree.

I’ve spent endless hours on ski slopes and very few on golf greens, so the opportunity to explore the golfing lifestyle, while capturing images for Golf Town’s Fall Lookbook and Spring/Summer magazine, was novel and exciting. As the S-Media team did our initial scouting of the grounds at these courses, I was immediately impressed with their immaculate appearance and peaceful surroundings. There was an all-encompassing feeling of luxury and relaxation. We knew right away the beautiful resorts would be the perfect setting for Golf Town’s select product line.

Natural Light, Natural Beauty

The production days of the shoot dawned sunny and clear. The natural light was beautiful and the models and product, which included lines from Nike, Adidas, FootJoy, Under Armour and more, stood out perfectly in the lush green environment. From the green we moved the shoot to the patio of the resort for group shots. The resulting photos were crisp and bright.

Although my heart still lies on the ski hill, my days in Muskoka and Naples, bombing around in golf carts and drinking in the natural beauty and calm of the course, left me considering a new summer hobby. At the very least, I’ll jump at the next opportunity to shoot on the green.

Behind the Scenes

BTS captures: Mark Kristofic, Jason George

Content director and contributor: Jennie Hoekstra

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Jennie Hoekstra Jennie Hoekstra

China's Ski Quest + Update

My first couple trips to China were memorable. I look forward to watching the continued growth and success of Chinese ski culture and the 2022 Beijing games.

S-Media Crew (David, Harry, Mark)

S-Media Crew (David, Harry, Mark)

The 2018 Winter Olympics held the world’s attention for the better part of this past February. All the usual players, Norway, Germany and Canada shone brightly. Perhaps less visible were athletes from China. Competing in twelve events, the Chinese ranked only 14th out of all participating countries. By 2022, however, the Chinese hope to change all of that.

Beijing 2022

The next winter Olympics will take place in Beijing and the surrounding countryside. Since being awarded with the Olympic hosting duties, the Chinese government has invested billions to reinvigorate their sporting industry. Hundreds of ski resorts and skating arenas are cropping up all over the country. All of this was news to me, however, when I learned that we’d be travelling to China, twice in the last few month, to film skiing.

Travelling off-continent is never easy, but this journey, literally to the other side of the world, was grueling in a way that makes European jet-lag feel like a holiday. Staying on top of my creative game, while exhausted and immersed in new scents, sights and foods, was challenging, but I was determined to push through and make a beautiful product for S-Media.

An Untapped Market

Because the skiing market is fairly new to China, and because the population is so huge, the growth potential for the sport is massive. We wanted to capture this excitement and novelty in the show we were to produce.

With the help of Google Translate to speak with the local experts, we had a successful scouting trip, followed by a successful shoot.

My first couple trips to China were memorable. I look forward to watching the continued growth and success of Chinese ski culture and the 2022 Beijing games.

Additional information on China from Business Insider

Content director and contributor: Jennie Hoekstra

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Jennie Hoekstra Jennie Hoekstra

Capturing the Sporting Life

Despite the long days, I found myself completely at home and at ease on the Sporting Life shoot. Capturing active living in the outdoors with a company that aligned so closely to my own values of creating and offering a beautiful, high-quality product was a complete pleasure. 

Model: Philip Macaulay

Model: Philip Macaulay

Capturing the Sporting Life

For close to four decades, Sporting Life has reigned as being one of Canada’s top sporting goods’ retailers, offering the quality and luxury that can only be attained through a carefully-curated product catalogue and expertly-handled corporate image.

It was July, and the retailer had been on my mind and in the news, with the much anticipated flagship store set to open in Yorkdale Shopping Centre in Toronto in just a few short months. Hence, when the call came through S-Media confirming there was an opportunity to take part in a fashion-photography shoot for the brand, I jumped at it.

Although I had done extensive work photographing athletes in their element, the Sporting Life shoot, whose final images would be used in magazines, billboards and in-store displays, was my first foray into the world of commercial fashion.

BTS Capture of Calgary location: Mark Kristofic

BTS Capture of Calgary location: Mark Kristofic

In-store light box display of Martha Lee&nbsp;

In-store light box display of Martha Lee 

Shooting beauty in Saas Fee

Many companies would try to mimic the look of outdoors using green-screens in the studio, we were going to one of the most beautiful natural environments on earth – the Swiss Alps. The Saas Fee ski resort is one of the few places in the world where you can ski, virtually year-round. The aptly named “Pearl of the Alps” reaches elevations well over 11,000 feet and offered some unique challenges to the crew. 

Model: Martha LeeCapture: JP

Model: Martha Lee

Capture: JP

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Because the village is car free, and the locations where we were to shoot were so high, commutes to get to location required early wake-ups, gondola rides, and trains with equipment in tow. The size of the crew was also significant. In addition to the models, there was a producer, wardrobe stylists, art director and make-up artist. Each person had a vision of the final product we were trying to achieve, and so, teamwork, respect for one another and collaboration towards a shared vision were imperative.

Crew photo

Crew photo

In my element among the elements

Despite the long days, I found myself completely at home and at ease on the Saas Fee shoot. Capturing active living in the outdoors with a company that aligned so closely to my own values of creating and offering a beautiful, high-quality product was a complete pleasure. 

Capture: Philip Macaulay

Capture: Philip Macaulay

I, along with the S-Media crew, am so excited to see the results of this project now entering the public domain. I look forward to the Sporting Life flagship-store opening this month, and even more, to further opportunities to work for this incredible brand in the future. 

Content director and contributor: Jennie Hoekstra

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Jennie Hoekstra Jennie Hoekstra

Chris Neil: The Making of a Star’s Documentary

When the news of Chris Neil’s departure from the Ottawa Senators hit the hockey world last week, I, like many others, took notice. For me, this story had a personal impact. Up until quite recently, I knew very little about NHL hockey, let alone Chris Neil. But that all changed when I was contracted by S-Media to film and edit a special documentary about Neil’s career, specifically the major milestone of 1000 NHL games played in a Senator’s jersey.

I had the pleasure of being hired on contract by S-Media to film this documentary which aired on TSN.

When the news of Chris Neil’s departure from the Ottawa Senators hit the hockey world last week, I, like many others, took notice. For me, this story had a personal impact. Up until quite recently, I knew very little about NHL hockey, let alone Chris Neil. But that all changed when I was contracted by S-Media to film a special documentary about Neil’s career, specifically the major milestone of 1000 NHL games played in a Senator’s jersey.

Doing my Research

In an effort to not look completely clueless about the man I was about to film, I spent an evening researching Neil’s life. I was interested to find that Neil had grown up in the small village of Flesherton, Ontario, not unlike the village where I was raised. Neil had also been involved in local events and groups like VBS as a kid, as had I. My nerves began to dissipate.

If any anxiety remained about interviewing a hockey star, it was completely wiped away upon meeting Chris. He was just a regular guy with a lovely family, who happened to make his living playing hockey. While filming, we followed Chris to his cottage, to a practice and finally a game. 

Scoring the Interviews

Part of the doc’s creation included interviewing pivotal people in Neil’s life, including his wife, and former team mate, Mike Fisher. Fisher, like Neil, was incredibly down-to-earth and humble. His friendship with Neil, and the professional and personal experiences they had shared, such as the sudden passing of Neil’s mother, had clearly created a strong bond between the two players. These personal connections brought greater depth to the story we were able to tell about Neil’s career.

Going National

When the documentary was complete, I was really thrilled with the final result. Neil’s career and life were shared in a clean but colourful visual story. The completed documentary was aired several times nationally on TSN and the satisfaction seeing our work play on the big screens at our local restaurant and pub is one I won’t soon forget.

Location Sound Recordist // SCOTTY TAYLOR
Colour Treatment & Mix // ERIC YU

Content director and contributor: Jennie Hoekstra

Behind the scenes

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Jennie Hoekstra Jennie Hoekstra

The Richness of The Poor Wise Man

The slums of India: one of the most impoverished and heavily-populated pockets of the world - an unlikely place for Viv Grigg, a man from New Zealand, to choose to live, and an equally unlikely place to find myself directing my first documentary.


The slums of India: one of the most impoverished and heavily-populated pockets of the world - an unlikely place for Viv Grigg, a man from New Zealand, to choose to live, and an equally unlikely place to find myself directing my first documentary.

Viv has made evangelizing to those in the world’s poorest places his life’s mission. In a quest to share that work with the people of North America, the vast majority of whom would never experience the harsh conditions in which over a billion people live, we were recruited to capture Viv’s story.

Viv is a true creative: the author of multiple books, an experienced traveler and a gracious human being. From the project’s beginning, we were given creative license to film and explore. As a result, we were able to capture a sweeping, colourful, humanity-rich, cinematic feel, fitting the vastness of both the slums and the task Viv has devoted his life to.

A Passion Project

Capturing Viv’s story marked my third journey to India. It is a country I have grown to love. From the diversity of the landscapes, to the warmth of the people and the depth of the flavours and scents, India is always a happy assault to the senses.

While I explored the physical space of the slums, I was also exploring the medium of the documentary. Through the slow layering of images and stories, my directorial style and filming aesthetic became more and more refined. I was finding my voice as both a documentary filmmaker. 

The Value of Collaboration

 Once we had returned home with our footage, I immersed myself in the careful process of editing.  It was during this period that I realized the project was bigger than myself. It could blossom and become more if I drew in the talents of other creatives. And so I was able to do what I love to do with DSM, collaborate to make something bigger and better than the sum of its parts.

I shared the vision of the project with a team of talented individuals who happily jumped on board to contribute titles, graphics, music, sound mixing and more. Suddenly, The Poor Wise Man was a community project and a beautiful piece of cinematographic art.

The Release

When the project was complete, DSM was on hand at the film launch in LA, where I personally shared my experience of making the The Poor Wise Man. The film was also accepted to a Vancouver film festival, and sold worldwide for the past two years. The film is now distributed free to anyone who wishes to experience it. I’ll be forever grateful that its message will live on.

Content director and contributor: Jennie Hoekstra

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David Stewart Media

64 Hurontario St, Collingwood
