Actual footage of my wife's iPad Pro bringing you tip #1!
If you are the face of the business then video is a way to introduce yourself to future customers. Chances are, you're in a type of business where it is really important that you engage with your customers and have a degree of openness with them.
Actual footage of my iPhone 7+ bringing you tip #2!
In our current social media age, videos can be shared with ease. Prospective clients are more likely to share and watch videos on the Internet than read text on a website. Word-of-mouth continues to be the main way that businesses attract new customers.
Actual footage of my Samsung TV bringing you tip #3!
Entrepreneurs are always looking for ways to free themselves up from the "draining" aspects of business operations. Perhaps you want to spend more time working on what you do best and less time trying to generate new sales.
Actual footage of my iPhone 7+ bringing you tip #4!
Growing your business doesn't necessarily mean getting more clients but better, higher paying clients. Maybe you're stuck in a rut, taking on clients that are not willing to pay you enough for your time or don't appreciate the quality of your work.