Make Video Work for Your Business (part 2 of 5)

Get Them Right in the Twitter: The power of targeted social media video

DSM has named 2020 the year to bring your business into the video age.

Part of the Making Video Work for Your Business project is communicating to you all the different ways you can use video to grow and enhance what you do. This is part two of a five part series, exploring ways you can use video to make this happen.  

Today we tackle our favourite time thief… drumroll please… social media! 

Ah, social media. You know it’s ubiquitous when everyone from your 7 year old nephew to your 93 year old grandmother is using it. 

Social media is the new medium, and as we know from Marshall McLuhan, “The medium is the message”. Or as he also said, a "message" is, "the change of scale or pace or pattern" that a new invention or innovation introduces into human affairs. 

Social media has, without a doubt, forever changed the pace and patterns by which we consume information. We have become a civilization of scrollers and swipers. An audience’s attention needs to be captured immediately or you risk having them simply scroll away. 

There is also vast potential in social media video marketing. If you successfully capture the imagination of the consumer, your story can be rapidly shared and re-shared to a mind-bogglingly huge audience without having to spend another marketing dollar.

So how can you make this social media magic happen for your business? 

1. Have a clear story you want to tell. Make it compelling and worthy of sharing. 

2. Have a strong visual right off the top. If you can hold your audience for the first 5 seconds, they will be far more likely to hold on for the final 30 or more. 

3. Keep is short and simple. Think of your social media video as the bait to lure your audience into the second level of information, be it your website, your product page or whatever your goal destination is.  

Are you feeling overwhelmed yet? 

Let’s Create

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At DSM we can sit down with you and make the entire experience a breeze. We’ll listen to what story you want to tell and can even write the script to make sure that story is clear, compelling and share-worthy. We can listen to the goals you have for your social media campaign and build a brilliant visual brand for your business. And finally we can produce said video with the cleanest, highest-level production value in the business. 

We all know the power of social media marketing. Don’t let your business be left behind in this new media landscape; call us today.

In short, there is a video type for every business and every occasion. Get in touch with us today and let video grow your business this year!


Let Your Clients Advertise for You: Make Video Work for your Business (Part 3 of 5)


Emotional Appeal: Make Video Work For Your Business (part 1 of 5)